The Tourism Promotion Board of West Nusa Tenggara

The Tourism Promotion Board of West Nusa Tenggara in accordance with Law Number 10 concerning Tourism Article 44 consists of two elements, namely the policy-making element and the implementing element. The formation of the policy-making elements of the Tourism Promotion Board of West Nusa Tenggara is facilitated by the NTB Provincial Government through the West Nusa Tenggara Tourism Office.


Make the West Nusa Tenggara tourism sector as a reliable sector with intergrated and quality.


As a sector that can help increase the economic growth of the community


Tourism that synergize and can collaborate with all elements and stakeholders in the tourism sector (Exclusive Tourism)


Providing memorable experiences for all tourists through quality tourism (personalized, localized in small scale)


Based on the vision above, the  mission for the 2021-2024 period is formulated as follows

  1. Improving the Image of The Tourism Promotion Board of West Nusa Tenggara Tourism
  2. Improving Communication Cooperation between Stakeholders
  3. Creating Innovative Adaptive Tourism

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